Join in with UK Atomic Energy Authority

Fusion, the process that powers the Sun, can play a big part in our low-carbon energy future. UKAEA manages the UK fusion programme and our scientists and engineers are working with partners around the UK and the world to develop fusion as a new source of sustainable energy for tomorrow’s power stations.

At our stand your students can hear more about our work to hopefully put fusion energy in the UK gride in the early 2040s, and engage with the technology and ideas to build this.

They can:

  • Use robotic arms! By getting hands on with this technology students can see the type of work operators do every day to maintain our fusion machines.
  • See our robot dogs in action! Students can discuss and discover where robots might be better than people for some jobs.
  • Get up close with fusion machines! By exploring these machines, and the materials they are made from, students can investigate the future needs of future fusion machines in a hands-on explorative way. 
  • Play our interactive heating and fueling game! Students will run their own fusion machine and see if they can balance fuel and heat systems. The interactive game allows students to find out more about this new technology, with the prototype for the world’s first fusion power station being build in Nottinghamshire!  
  • Interact with our scientists and engineers! We’re here to answer your students’ questions! They can speak to us about physics, engineering, fusion, sustainability, science, computing, jobs, routes into the field and anything else they’d like!

With a growing fusion supply chain and more and more private companies entering the market, students can visit us to see how fusion can be a key part of their future!


Ukaea 1 1200X840
  • Topics
Ukaea 2 1200X840
  • Energy / Nuclear / Power
  • Electronics/robotics/programming

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