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Get inspired by the world of STEM with fantastic projects from The Big Bang Competition.
Whether you're interested in improving our mental well-being, exploring the extraterrestrial, or creating sustainable solutions - our young scientists and engineers have done incredible work!
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Access to our railways
- Digital technology
- Transportation
I wanted to understand why train signage wasn't accessible, so I did my research and used my own knowledge to provide some ideas of what could be done! As a person who is blind I am passionate on accessibility, independence and trains which is why I invented this project "access to our railways".

Access to our railways
- Digital technology
- Transportation
In a world of trains and stations, inaccessible signage is the investigation I will explore. As someone who is blind myself, I experience first hand what trains and train stations are like. Scanning around simply via a smart phone app which already exists is the way to go forward! It's an app that's used already world wide and having these codes around stations will benefit thousands of blind and visually impaired individuals so that everyone has equal 'access to our railways'. Trains are one of the few forms of transport people with a visual impairment rely on, so why can't it be adapted to enable everyone to be able to travel safely if there's already equipment out there which could resolve this problem?

AMIE: A Medical Items Entity
- Future cities and societies
- Health & medicine
We are AMIE! A project where we are combining drone technology and medical knowledge to create a medicinal drug delivery device. Led by a group of six Year 12's, we aim to rethink the typical approach to STEM projects by putting a larger focus on human factors - or how our drone will impact people socially, medically, and aesthetically.

AMIE: A Medical Items Entity
- Future cities and societies
- Health & medicine
We are AMIE! A project where we are combining drone technology and medical knowledge to create a medicinal drug delivery device. Led by a group of six Year 12's, we aim to rethink the typical approach to STEM projects by putting a larger focus on human factors - or how our drone will impact people socially, medically, and aesthetically.
Essentially, AMIE is a drone that would deliver medicine to those unable to collect it themselves. At first we wanted the drone to deliver medicine to those in warzones, but after evaluating this idea we decided it would be more realistic to start small, so we shifted our focus to vulnerable groups in our local community - the elderly and disabled.
We wanted to create a sustainable method of delivering medicine and other necessities to those who might benefit most. We think that access to essentials, like medication, can be incredibly difficult for people in hard to reach situations, so the idea of using a drone to make deliveries felt like a great way of addressing this issue. According to the NHS, there are up to 2 million housebound people in the UK - and for many their carers are relatives who have to juggle working with caring. Drone delivery of medical essentials - and other items such as food in the future - would both give housebound people more autonomy and provide balance for their carers.

- Digital technology
- Other
Our project aims to create a website implementing an algorithm that will identify gender bias in datasets. Our goal was to create an easily accessible way for an individual or organisation to conclude whether their datasets are biased or not. Our work will be able to help educate people on what bias is, and then assist those who are more technologically advanced to identify bias in their datasets.

- Digital technology
- Other
After being informed of the idea of bias in datasets by the documentary 'coded bias', we attended a hackathon on inclusion, where we decided we wanted to find a way to fight the issue of bias in datasets. We decided to focus on gender bias as the three members of our group are women going into the STEM fields of computer science and engineering. We did extensive research on the topic, finding the best ways to act on this issue. Our decision was to create a way to test the bias in datasets, all while informing people about bias in the easiest, most accessible way possible.
Our project aims to create a website implementing an algorithm that will identify gender bias in datasets. Our goal was to create an easily accessible way for an individual or organisation to conclude whether their datasets are biased or not. Our plan was to research initial algorithms for identifying bias in datasets, as well as the issues that create bias, and then work together to write an algorithm that would enable us to complete our goal. We each researched different aspects of machine learning and bias, and then put this together to initiate our project. However, this proved to be difficult due to the implications of bias. In conclusion, we found that people's general knowledge on bias in datasets was severely lacking. Our work will be able to help educate people on what bias is, and then assist those who are more technologically advanced to identify bias in their datasets.

Cleaning the Air
- Energy
- Environment
We are all very passionate about the environment and wanted to design something that would help save the planet.

Cleaning the Air
- Energy
- Environment
We are all very passionate about the environment and wanted to design something that would help save the planet.
Our project focused on how to remove greenhouse gases from the air. To do this, we researched different techniques to do this, carried out the technique and built a prototype robot from the materials available to be able to carry this out. We also wanted the robot to help with litter, so we built an arm for the robot to use to do this.

CO2 Consumer
- Climate change
- Environment
- Sustainability
CO2 Consumer is a lifechanging idea! With carbon levels astoundingly high and constantly rising we knew we had to fix this - and decarbonisation is the answer. We have a keen interest in climate change, as it is something that will impact our future. so its important we think about how we can save the future by reducing the impact of climate change on the planet.

CO2 Consumer
- Climate change
- Environment
- Sustainability
We have a keen interest in climate change, as it is something that will impact our future. so its important we think about how we can save the future by reducing the impact of climate change on the planet.
CO2 Consumer is a lifechanging idea! With carbon levels astoundingly high and constantly rising we knew we had to fix this - and decarbonisation is the answer. CO2 Consumer consists of a dome and machine. The machine uses atomic weight to suck in the carbon in our atmosphere, outsourcing it into our airtight dome, filled with various carbon absorbing plants. Once oxygen by the plants is made our machine also deposits it back into our atmosphere.

Compost Cable Car
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
- Sustainability
- Transportation
We wanted to help reduce carbon emissions and create a solution to transport issues. Our solution is to create a cable car that is powered by burning compost (a plentiful renewable source) and also grow plants such as moss on them.

Compost Cable Car
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
- Sustainability
- Transportation
The problem we are trying to solve is that there is not enough sustainable public transport available to the public, and vehicles are often powered by non-renewable energy resources. We think these problems should be solved because it is vital in order to achieve net zero by 2050, it will also help getting round towns and cities better and more affordable. The consequences of not being able to improve our climate will be catastrophic such as increased floods, and extreme weather events. This will all eventually lead to earth being uninhabitable for humans and animals. Our solution is to create a cable car that is powered by burning compost (a plentiful renewable source) and also grow plants such as moss on them.
We wanted to help reduce carbon emissions and create a solution to transport issues. We conducted research and were inspired by an eco-bus programme running in Bristol. This led us to look into the use of methane gas as energy. We incorporated the moss as this has a high level of CO2 absorption to further offset the impact that transport has upon the environment.

Conservation Areas
- Climate change
- Conservation
- Sustainability
Our overall project could be described as a conservative boundary. We have decided for our project to have underground sensors to ensure safety for these boundaries and protected areas.

Conservation Areas
- Climate change
- Conservation
- Sustainability
Our overall project could be described as a conservative boundary. We have decided for our project to have underground sensors to ensure safety for these boundaries and protected areas. When there is movement around the sensors, an alert will be sent out and people can go and make sure no one is cutting trees down or setting fires in areas that have never been affected by climate change and hopefully, with this idea, never will. We plan to achieve this by promoting our idea to climate activists which should hopefully help to make sure that our plan can be carried out. These underground sensors will impact the wider environment by helping with deforestation and ultimately, climate change.
Where this particular project is something that we will struggle to carry out, everything has to start with an idea. We found out a lot of statistics that are worrying for earth's future. Such as the amount of carbon-dioxide being released into the atmosphere. Our project outcome is the underground sensors and how they can prevent people from cutting down trees and ruining the conservative areas. There are a few challenges that we faced, such as how we were going to decide on which of our five ideas were the best for this problem. However, after choosing this one we think this was the best decision.

Do hydraulics work in space?
- Space exploration
For my science fair project, I have decided to research how if hydraulic systems are capable of being used on space. My work may impact the wider community or world in a way such as developing new hydraulic systems which are more efficient. My work could also help people learn about how hydraulic systems work in space and could inspire them to become engineers.

Do hydraulics work in space?
- Space exploration
For my science fair project, I have decided to research how if hydraulic systems are capable of being used on space. I will research and use different websites to help me find out the facts I need. On a website called Worlifts it talks about how hydraulics are used in space and what they are used for. An example of some information I have found is how many hydraulic pumps there are (the answer to this is 3) on a NASA space shuttle. My work may impact the wider community or world in a way such as developing new hydraulic systems which are more efficient. My work could also help people learn about how hydraulic systems work in space and could inspire them to become engineers.
I chose to do this project because I was inspired by my hydraulic hand that I got for Christmas in 2022. In 2023, I got a hydraulic ostrich and when I heard about the science fair I decided that I wanted to find out more about how this system worked. So I went back to my hydraulic hand and took a closer look at how the hydraulic systems worked. It wasn't only the hydraulic hand and ostrich, space also inspired me to do this project because I am interested in it and what it would be like to be in zero gravity. So I combined these two ideas and that's how I came up with my project title which is - do hydraulics work in space?

'Egg'citing way to treat phosphates
- Conservation
- Environment
- Sustainability
We wanted to find a way to help reduce the blue-green algae that is swamping Lough Neagh. We have family who have been impacted. Lough Neagh is the largest lake in the UK and very important to humans and wildlife in Northern Ireland.

'Egg'citing way to treat phosphates
- Conservation
- Environment
- Sustainability
We wanted to find a way to help reduce the blue-green algae that is swamping Lough Neagh. We have family who have been impacted. Lough Neagh is the largest lake in the UK and very important to humans and wildlife in Northern Ireland. Blue-green algae grows rapidly when there are large amounts of nutrients like phosphates. It produces toxic chemicals that are dangerous to humans, wildlife, domestic pets and animal livestock. We done some research and found that mussel shells can remove from solutions, we found out that the calcium carbonate in them was the key component to remove them. So we done some more research and found that hens eggshells also contain a high percentage of calcium carbonate. We added recycled eggshells to phosphate solutions. We found that the concentration of phosphates dropped after couple of hours. This could be part of many solutions needed to save Lough Neagh!
When ammonium molybdate is added to solutions that contain phosphates they turn blue. The more phosphates that are present the deeper the colour of blue. We made standard solutions that had known amounts of phosphates to produce a graph, we could then use to compare our results to. We added eggshells to each of our samples and then took readings to find out the phosphate level every 30 minutes. We measured the concentration of phosphate solutions by shining a torch through a yellow filter (which is opposite to blue on the colour wheel) and through the solution. We recorded how much light passed through. The more light that passed through the less phosphates that were in the solution. We found that over time, more light was passing through our solutions. We used a calculation to find out how much light was absorbed each time and then compared our results.

Electricity generation from vehicles
- Energy
- Environment
- Transportation
Aspiring for a career as an engineer to invent sustainable solutions to combat climate change, I wanted the main focus of my project to be on renewable and carbon-neutral methods of electricity production. My project involves using a gear mechanism to harness the kinetic energy of motorway vehicles to operate an under-road generator, which produces electricity to be supplied to the national grid.

Electricity generation from vehicles
- Energy
- Environment
- Transportation
My project involves using a gear mechanism to harness the kinetic energy of motorway vehicles to operate an under-road generator, which produces electricity to be supplied to the national grid. As this would be a high-cost and complicated idea to implement on actual motorways, my prototype shows a simplified model of the idea, using the motion of the gears to generate enough electricity to power an LED. Furthermore, the gears can be placed at the exits of motorways to act as speed humps - promoting transport safety and preventing collisions.
Regarding research, my project required knowledge about the theory behind gear mechanics, suitable materials and design technology applications - I combined these aspects using problem-solving skills to construct a working prototype.
Aspiring for a career as an engineer to invent sustainable solutions to combat climate change, I wanted the main focus of my project to be on renewable and carbon-neutral methods of electricity production. Although we have solar, wind and hydro power stations in use today, global temperatures continue to increase, leading to catastrophic consequences such as extreme weather and habitat destruction.
By generating electricity using kinetic energy and the motion of vehicles, I can prove that the transport industry can be made more sustainable and ecological if the waste power output of vehicles is recycled. My idea could potentially lead to less fossil fuels needed to be burnt to release energy, if it was refined and used in actual construction.

Heart Bags to encourage a healthy nation
- Health & medicine
The purpose of the project is to prevent heart disease through encouraging people to eat more healthily. I was inspired to create this project by the people around me and the shocking yet heart-breaking statistics I found on the British Heart Foundation.

Heart Bags to encourage a healthy nation
- Health & medicine
I have always been interested in medicine and how to treat diseases. I have always been inspired to create an impacting project that help people by treating a disease.
The purpose of the project is to prevent heart disease through encouraging people to eat more healthily. I was inspired to create this project by the people around me and the shocking yet heart-breaking statistics I found on the British Heart Foundation.

How can we stop our homes from flooding?
- Climate change
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
We are really concerned by the news on our environment. Our planet is warming through the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide which traps heat in the atmosphere. This warming is leading to climate change. We have studied the difference between weather and climate using our weather station which is part of a citizen science project with Newcastle University. Warm air can hold more water than cool air which leads to heavier rainfall. Severe storm events and flooding are becoming more frequent. We understand that we need to adapt to these changes to help stop flooding and the use of SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) are a great way to do this. We have received Partnership Grant funding from the Royal Society have built a model which allows us to do an investigation on the effect of SUDS features.

How can we stop our homes from flooding?
- Climate change
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
We are the Weather and Climate Club from Corbridge Middle School and, over the past 4 years, we have had the most incredible adventure! We started by using our weather station to collect data as part of a citizen science programme with Newcastle University. We then became concerned by local flooding from severe weather events so we learned about sustainable urban drainage. Then we built a model to show how SUDS work - then we took the model (including the storm-simulator watering cans) to the Royal Society Summer exhibition to tell thousands of other people about climate change and how SUDS can solve one of the issues it will cause. During our project we have talked to professors, fellows of the Royal Society, film crews and we even had a visit from a BBC Weather Forecaster. From citizen science, hands-on investiagtions and science communication, it's been STEMtastic!

Hydroarm - Hydraulic Powered Prosthetic
- Digital technology
- Sustainability
My project is a hydraulic powered prosthetic arm, that is easily adjustable and accessible. Aimed at young people who perhaps cannot afford high end prosthetics and still need something to use whilst being on a long waiting list for one.

Hydroarm - Hydraulic Powered Prosthetic
- Digital technology
- Sustainability
In today's society, many are disadvantaged due to their differences. Accessibility for those with limb differences is often disregarded and means those individuals are unable to take part in many activities. I have decided to create a solution to overcoming these problems and allow these individuals to achieve goals that they couldn't have otherwise.
My project is a hydraulic powered prosthetic arm, that is easily adjustable and accessible. Aimed at young people who perhaps cannot afford high end prosthetics and still need something to use whilst being on a long waiting list for one. It can also be decorated! I've included little hooks to attach charms/accessories and the fingers are realistic enough to have rings and nails attached onto them.

Hydrogen Powered Lal Boat
- Environment
- Sustainability
- Water
We designed a plan for a sustainable boat. It uses renewable energy sources and can is environmentally friendly. We were interested in finding out how we could make a mode of transport that isn't bad for the environment but could actually help it too.

Hydrogen Powered Lal Boat
- Environment
- Sustainability
- Water
We designed a plan for a sustainable boat. It uses renewable energy sources and can is environmentally friendly. We were interested in finding out how we could make a mode of transport that isn't bad for the environment but could actually help it too. That is why we chose to design a hydrogen powered boat as it uses a renewable energy source and emits oxygen back into the atmosphere.

Insect repellents and sunscreens
- Health & medicine
The aim of this project was to investigate DEET insect repellent, non-DEET insect repellent and Teatree oil to determine if they have any effect on the efficacy of sunscreen. This project arose from the question 'Which do you apply first, sunscreen or insect repellent?'

Insect repellents and sunscreens
- Health & medicine
Sunscreens are needed to protect skin from the harmful effects of Ultra Violet radiation. In hot countries flying, biting insects are prevalent. Insects such as mosquitoes. Protection is needed against these pests using insect repellent. DEET insect repellent is one of the most effective and common flea, tick, and mosquito repellents in the world. Both are applied topically.
The aim of this project was to investigate DEET insect repellent, non-DEET insect repellent and Teatree oil to determine if they have any effect on the efficacy of sunscreen using a homemade light box containing a UV light source and sensor attached to a data logger and measuring transmittance of UV at a wavelength of 365nm through the sunscreen samples mixed with different amounts of the insect repellents. Results show that the insect repellents have little effect on the transmittance of UV light through the mixtures and the SPF of the sunscreen.
This project arose from the question 'Which do you apply first, sunscreen or insect repellent?' Obviously it is very important to apply both. In 2020, the mortality rate from melanoma skin cancer just in Northern Ireland, was five deaths per 100,000 for men and 2.4 deaths per 100,000 for women. The overall mortality rate has climbed in Northern Ireland since 2000.
In 2022, there were 1,133 cases (including 92 deaths) of West Nile virus disease reported from the following countries: Italy, Greece, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, France, Spain, Slovakia and Bulgaria. In addition, in 2022, there were outbreaks of dengue fever in France and Spain with 71 cases in total. These are all common holiday destinations.
Insect repellent is also very important. Sunscreens and insect repellents need to be applied topically to the skin at the same time to provide protection against both UV and biting insects.

Lip Balm Investigation
- Health & medicine
- Materials & textiles
This project aims to find an affordable, homemade, effective lip balm recipe I can make in the lab or even in the kitchen. I love using skincare products, especially lip balm as part of my daily routine. However, lip balms can be expensive, and most lip balms I've tried didn't work for me and has instead dried out my lips. The Big Bang Competition inspired me to finally start this project.

Lip Balm Investigation
- Health & medicine
- Materials & textiles
In this project, I have tried and used my recipes for lip balm, using ingredients that are known to be good for the lips. This project aims to find an affordable, homemade, effective lip balm recipe I can make in the lab or even in the kitchen. For weeks, I have planned out the process, researching ingredients and their uses. I have written my findings and steps following my journey. I haven't properly finished my project yet, but I plan to continue it because I have come a long way and I'm very passionate. I plan to have opinions and reviews from others who will test my lip balm to see whether it also works for them, so this isn't just an experiment for me, but for others.
I've started this project because I have always been interested in the cosmetic industry and skincare. I love using skincare products, especially lip balm as part of my daily routine. However, lip balms can be expensive, and most lip balms I've tried didn't work for me and has instead dried out my lips. I wanted to make a project where I can find an easy and affordable lip balm recipe, that works well and is good for the lips, that I can make at home or in the lab. The Big Bang Competition inspired me to finally start this project.

- Digital technology
- Other
Our project uses AI in order to analyse videos of football games. Our project attempts to democratise sport training in order to level the playing field for all athletes who otherwise may not have access to elite or academy level coaching resources so that players can progress to their full potential no matter their level or financial situations.

- Digital technology
- Other
Our project uses AI in order to analyse videos of football games. To do this, we used deep convolution neural nets which filter match images to find relevant features which are used to determine which team has possession and when certain events occurred during the match. This is achieved by passing the video through the network frame-by-frame, predicting events of interest, calculating the errors for these predictions, and using algorithms to minimise these errors to gain more accurate results for prediction of events in subsequent frames. This is then all applied within a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow players to access all the features without the need of programming knowledge.
Our project attempts to democratise sport training in order to level the playing field for all athletes who otherwise may not have access to elite or academy level coaching resources so that players can progress to their full potential no matter their level or financial situations. It works by receiving a video input of a football game that can be recorded on any device and it uses artificial intelligence (deep neural networks) to break down the match, such as changes in possession and set pieces. This is all abstracted for users in an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) to further simplify the steps needed to becoming a better player.

Model Railway
- Transportation
The aim of the project is to design and build a model railway layout because I'm interested in trains and because it was a good test of my engineering skills. We are from a school full of transport enthusiasts and thought that building and then running our own model railway club we could bring some of the school community together and to help them bond over shared interests.

Model Railway
- Transportation
The aim of the project is to design and build a model railway layout because I'm interested in trains and because it was a good test of my engineering skills. Most model trains need a flat surface to be able to run we have made a bouncy track even with pins in so we are checking whether it is possible for amateur train enthusiasts to make a model layout that will run properly with limited experience.
We are from a school full of transport enthusiasts and thought that building and then running our own model railway club we could bring some of the school community together and to help them bond over shared interests.

New Barrie
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
- Sustainability
Our project is a futuristic city that would help in the fight to solve some of the world's problems, such as homelessness, poverty, hunger but problems one of the biggest threats, such as climate change. The reason behind our project is our emotions. We feel strongly on certain topics such as equality - that is why our city should be equal and open to all regardless to gender, race, or religion.

New Barrie
- Environment
- Future cities and societies
- Sustainability
The reason behind our project is our emotions. We feel strongly on certain topics such as equality - that is why our city should be equal and open to all regardless to gender, race, or religion. We also want a safe place for medical research to be conducted as diseases are a big part of our past and lots of peoples.
Our project is a futuristic city that would help in the fight to solve some of the world's problems, such as homelessness, poverty, hunger but problems one of the biggest threats, such as climate change. This city would be called New Barrie and be located on Barrie Island, Lake Huron, Canada. This city would have approximately 300,000 residents and take 15 years to construct fully. It would be completely net zero carbon emissions and be fully powered by its own sustainable energy.

Pawtions - Automatic Dog Feeder
- Digital technology
For the project, I used an Arduino Uno and connected circuit to dispense the food at the appropriate times specified by the user. To ensure safety for a dog when eating, my project also involved a passive infra-red sensor is also used to ensure safety for a dog. I also vacuum formed bowls from which a dog can eat.

Pawtions - Automatic Dog Feeder
- Digital technology
For the project, I used an Arduino Uno and connected circuit to dispense the food at the appropriate times specified by the user. To ensure safety for a dog when eating, my project also involved a passive infra-red sensor is also used to ensure safety for a dog. I also vacuum formed bowls from which a dog can eat.
The main motivation for this project was a problem which my client had previously described to me - caring for a dog whilst working. She had previously stated that she would often have to come home during the day or get a relative to look after the dog. My solution is an innovative, automatic dog feeder.

Piezoelectric motorway unit
- Energy
- Environment
- Transportation
We wanted our overall aim to be creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of transporting people and goods around the country so it doesn't affect global warming as much. We designed and made a prototype for a unit that could be installed into motorway road surfaces with piezo built into it.

Piezoelectric motorway unit
- Energy
- Environment
- Transportation
We wanted our overall aim to be creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of transporting people and goods around the country so it doesn't affect global warming as much. We designed and made a prototype for a unit that could be installed into motorway road surfaces with piezo built into it. This would generate electricity as vehicles drove over it that could then be used to charge other electric vehicles at motorway service stations.
We worked as a team during our STEM club sessions to research, design and build a prototype model that could demonstrate our idea. We researched piezoelectric and how they can generate small amounts of power when compressed. The vehicles would compress thousands of piezo in each of our motorway units as they drove over them, each time producing electrical energy. We would like to be able to develop our idea further by contacting the National Highways Agency to discuss it further.

PowerPad - Wireless charging mousepad
- Energy
- Sustainability
My cheap TEMU mouse always ran out of battery at the worst moments. So as a tech enthusiast, I wanted to create a wireless charging mousepad to enhance convenience and efficiency. The constant need to replace batteries or plug in the mouse for charging can disrupt workflow or gaming sessions. A wireless charging mousepad would provide a constant power source, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacements or wired charging.

PowerPad - Wireless charging mousepad
- Energy
- Sustainability
My cheap TEMU mouse always ran out of battery at the worst moments. So as a tech enthusiast, I wanted to create a wireless charging mousepad to enhance convenience and efficiency. The constant need to replace batteries or plug in the mouse for charging can disrupt workflow or gaming sessions. A wireless charging mousepad would provide a constant power source, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacements or wired charging. It would also reduce cable clutter, contributing to a cleaner and more organized workspace. Furthermore, by designing it to charge any mouse, it would be able to be used by a wide range of users, irrespective of what mouse they use. This universal compatibility would make it a versatile and valuable accessory for any computer user. Ultimately, this innovation is about merging functionality with convenience to improve my and everyone's user experience.
Designing a mousepad that wirelessly charges your mouse involves a combination of technology and craftsmanship. The process begins with laser cutting to shape the mousepad and create precise cutouts for the charging components. Next, CNC routing is used to carve out a cavity within the mousepad where the wireless charging coil will be housed. This ensures a flush surface for the mouse to glide on. The charging coil is then installed and secured with epoxy resin, a durable adhesive that also provides insulation. The resin is carefully applied to avoid any interference with the charging functionality. Finally, pillar drilling is used to create holes for attaching magnets in the base and the top of the mousepad. The base also provides stability while the top creates a smooth surface and the result is a functional and aesthetically pleasing mousepad that keeps your mouse charged, offering convenience and efficiency for your workspace.

Solar energy ~ improving efficiency
- Climate change
- Energy
- Environment
As part of our nature reserve development, we have committed to applying technology to the running of the area. One of the major needs is the collection of data on bee health from each of the projected 12 hives. This is crucial for a strong hive and high-quality honey production.

Solar energy ~ improving efficiency
- Climate change
- Energy
- Environment
We are a boys' high school in North Kent. One of the biggest things we have going for us is a 2 acre site used as a nature reserve. The area has been planted with 2,500 trees, has a solar power system for a remote weather station and WIFI.
Having established a biodiverse area, we have taken it a step further and created an apiary which will grow to 12 hives. This is shared with our local schools, especially primaries.
Alongside the honey, our apiary produces masses of environmental data, crucial to maintaining a healthy hive. Our project is created to assist with this through managing mini solar panels reporting on our bee health 24 hours a day.
Our team has developed systems which will collect sensor data from each hive. They need a system to deliver 24 hour power without being intrusive. We have worked to create a solar panel management system which will track the sun on the azimuth and zenith angles. This means that our panels will track the arc and horizontal movement of the sun. This will maximise the power generated and stored, thereby ensuring that we have maximum uptime for the sensor recording systems.
The system is designed to be transferable to monitoring aspects of climate change beyond our bees, measuring the environment in a sustainable manner.

Solo Sound
- Digital technology
Solo Sound is a combination of face-tracking technology and directional speakers you might find at a museum that work like a sound laser. The mix of these technologies allows sound to be directly targeted at one person and follow them as they move.

Solo Sound
- Digital technology
After constantly disturbing my parents with my fantastic music taste past 10pm and not wanting to wear headphones for long hours I found a better solution!
Solo Sound is a combination of face-tracking technology and directional speakers you might find at a museum that work like a sound laser. The mix of these technologies allows sound to be directly targeted at one person and follow them as they move.

Stroke Detector
- Health & medicine
The aim of my project is to enable the early detection of stroke. At the start of this project I was really passionate to create something that would help people to discover their disease early on so they could cure it in time. After some research I found that it is predicted every 1 in 4 adults will suffer from stroke. This really hit me and I knew I wanted to make a change and help the world overcome this problem.

Stroke Detector
- Health & medicine
The aim of my project is to enable the early detection of stroke. At the start of this project I was really passionate to create something that would help people to discover their disease early on so they could cure it in time. After some research I found that it is predicted every 1 in 4 adults will suffer from stroke. This really hit me and I knew I wanted to make a change and help the world overcome this problem.
My stroke detector project resembles a BP apparatus and features a monitor displaying letters: H, V, S, D, F, and N, representing Hearing, Vision, Speaking, Dizziness, Fainting, and Numbness; the main stroke symptoms. Connected to the monitor is a wire branching into electrode patches, positioned on the patient according to relevant nerves. Auditory nerve controls hearing, optic nerve controls vision, and hypoglossal nerve controls speech. Vestibulocochlear nerve governs balance, vagus nerves control fainting, and radial nerve governs numbness. Patches emit slight electrical impulses akin to nerve conduction tests, indicating nerve health. If a patch detects an issue, "SW" (something wrong) appears next to the corresponding letter on the monitor. Absence of issues is denoted by "A" (alright). A single "SW" suggests stroke risk, prompting further assessment. I believe my project will impact the wider environment because it will help in early discovery of stroke resulting in early treatment and recovery.

Support Chair and Table
- Health & medicine
My project is called 'The Support Chair and Table' and the aim is to make an affordable table and chair for disabled children which is tailored to their needs. I have made many designs which can suit different needs but in my project, I will be making one which is suitable for my cousin.

Support Chair and Table
- Health & medicine
My project is called The Support Chair and Table and the aim is to make an affordable table and chair for disabled children which is tailored to their needs. I have made many designs which can suit different needs but in my project, I will be making one which is suitable for my cousin. The "Support Chair and Table" can help many children to do daily activities such as homework, and being able to eat whilst being secure. The Support Chair and Table is secure as it has a harness to keep the upper body in place and the sides so that the child with both of these features in place will not fall out of the chair.
The idea for the support chair and table was to make a secure and affordable chair and table for disabled children so they can carry out daily tasks. I chose this for my project as I have a cousin with cerebral palsy which means he cannot walk or support himself, therefore, he cannot sit in ordinary chairs as he must have support so when I looked for a product suitable for his needs it was £400. I wanted this to change as it is completely unaffordable for many families in the UK. I started to look at how much it would cost for material to make a custom-built chair and table and my estimated cost was 85 pounds maximum. When realised the dramatic change in price from £400 to £85, I immediately wanted to help other families gain access to affordable options.

The CropCycle 224
- Digital technology
- Food
- Other
This project investigates how plant growth could be sped up using a smaller amount of land inside of a greenhouse. This involved making 3D structures and automating their movement so that they could see the sun and get watered when they were in different positions inside of the 3D structure.

The CropCycle 224
- Digital technology
- Food
- Other
This project investigates how plant growth could be sped up using a smaller amount of land inside of a greenhouse. This involved making 3D structures and automating their movement so that they could see the sun and get watered when they were in different positions inside of the 3D structure.
I had learned about microcontrollers and different types of gears in my A level course and I wanted to see if I could apply these to this problem. Growing more food with a smaller amount of land is a problem that will affect more and more people as populations increase and climate change takes hold.

The Sea Bin Company
- Conservation
- Environment
- Water
The Sea Bin presents a ground-breaking solution to marine pollution, designed to clean lakes, and rivers by skimming the surface and removing oil, debris, and micro plastics as small as 2mm. The aim of our project is to prevent plastic from reaching our oceans and to improve a local areas of beauty. We were able to concentrate our idea into this statement, "We must stop plastic from entering our oceans in order to save wildlife and protect fragile ecosystems".

The Sea Bin Company
- Conservation
- Environment
- Water
The aim of our project, 'The Sea Bin', is to prevent plastic from reaching our oceans and to improve a local areas of beauty. We were able to concentrate our idea into this statement, "We must stop plastic from entering our oceans in order to save wildlife and protect fragile ecosystems".
The Sea Bin presents a ground-breaking solution to marine pollution, designed to clean lakes, and rivers by skimming the surface and removing oil, debris, and micro plastics as small as 2mm. Utilizing an underwater pump, this innovative project was carried out through a defined design process involving problem identification, idea generation, prototyping, and testing. The concept revolves around a solar-powered sea bin equipped with a pump that sucks in surrounding pollution, with water then expelled from the bottom. To address the challenge of managing the flow of rubbish, a pump at the bottom facilitates the suction of surrounding water and debris. Notable project highlights include the creation of a poster highlighting ideas and a 3D model for visualization. The team would like to install prototypes in various locations to assess their effectiveness in populated areas, marking a significant step towards combating marine pollution.
We believe that removing plastic from local areas will drastically cut plastic pollution in the ocean. This will also allow areas whose natural beauty has been overshadowed by the pollution in the water. We chose this because we had a dream where the worlds waters were not poisoned by plastic. We have designed an affordable, environmentally friendly, and inconspicuous product to help prevent plastic reaching the oceans.

What 2 Wear Sustainable Fashion App (1)
- Digital technology
- Sustainability
We are Gen Z digital natives mad about fashion, but also conscious of the harmful effects of fast fashion and consumerism on the environment. We have created a Sustainable Fashion app called 'What 2 Wear', which makes the user look closely at their lifestyles and what they consume while addressing the harm fast fashion is having on our environment.

What 2 Wear Sustainable Fashion App (1)
- Digital technology
- Sustainability
Our 'What 2 Wear' app makes the user look closely at their lifestyles and what they consume while addressing the harm fast fashion is having on our environment. The app will make users cut back on buying new unnecessary clothing. Our solution will let people know that they already have all the clothes in their wardrobes they need. It will help them organise their wardrobes using artificial intelligence to suggest outfits as well as encourage sharing with friends and family and ethical purchasing. The fashion industry, especially since the rise of fast fashion, is among the most damaging industries for the environment, responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions and 20% of global wastewater. (Source: My 'What 2 Wear' app will help sustain the environment for future generations. Today we purchase much more than our grandparents, yet we say so often, 'I have nothing to wear!'
We are Gen Z digital natives mad about fashion, but also conscious of the harmful effects of fast fashion and consumerism on the environment. We have created a Sustainable Fashion app called 'What 2 Wear'. We aim to market this app at Gen Z consumers like ourselves.
This app will:
- Catalogue and organise your wardrobe.
- Plan outfits.
- Track usage of clothing.
- Display carbon footprint.
- Encourages sustainable fashion goals.
- Buy, swap or rent clothing.
- Establish community or wider links.
- Rate products quality and sustainability.
- Plans to have integration feature for SnapChat, Tik Tok and Instagram
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