Big Bang at School Blueprint is here! Schools across the UK can bring STEM inspiration straight to their students with our brand-new blueprint – all for free.
Discover how to host your own STEM inspiration event in school and bring the magic of the Big Bang straight to your doorstep with the Big Bang at School Blueprint.
Find everything you need to host an inspiring STEM day filled with amazing science and engineering activities, ready to be tailored to students’ needs and interests. Whether your students are future app designers, athletes, astronauts or artists – there’s something for everyone. Help them get creative and find their flair for STEM with Big Bang at School.
Useful guides, resources and step-by-step projects are ready and waiting to help you inspire your class with out-of-this-world careers in science and engineering.
The Big Bang at School Blueprint includes:
Free access to hands-on resources to run with your students, linked to the KS3 science curriculum, including:
- The Big Bang Challenge
- Digital content that can be accessed during your event or on-demand
- STEM careers inspiration and guidance on where young people can go next
- Workbooks, project ideas and activities for in-class inspiration
- Guides, planners and support to help you make the most of your day
What do schools think about Big Bang at School?
Don’t take our word for it – hear what other teachers have to say:
Science teacher Caroline Maston commented, “Big Bang at School was a great success! It made a real buzz around school which we needed after a tough year. In fact, next year I’ve been given more time on my timetable to run more STEM activities across school.”
Similarly, assistant headteacher Chimene Peddie said, “I love the Big Bang at School because it offers the opportunity for every child to explore an idea or dream.”
Students love Big Bang at School too! One student told us - “I loved it, it was a really different way to learn!”
Another student commented: “It’s made me way more interested in science than I was before!”
The Big Bang at School Blueprint provides schools with free support to host an amazing event in your school – don’t miss out, find out more and apply for the blueprint today.