Book your free tickets to The Big Bang Fair
Tickets are now available for the UK’s largest celebration of STEM for young people. The Big Bang Fair will open its doors from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 June 2022 at the NEC in Birmingham.
We are ready to inspire young people with hands-on activities from across the world of science and engineering, and showcase exciting possibilities and role models in STEM.
The Big Bang Fair 2022 has been designed specifically for 11 to 14 year olds, to provide the best careers inspiration, advice and opportunities to meet with real scientists and engineers.
Schools can explore The Fair from 9.30am to 3.30pm from Wednesday 22 June to Friday 24 June. Families, home educators and community groups are welcome to discover the wonders of STEM at the new Big Bang Fair Unlocked, running from 4pm to 8pm on Thursday 23 June.
Make sure to book early to avoid disappointment!